Crafted for inspiring, engaging teachers and curious students.
We have carefully listened to teachers, coaches, students and parents worldwide and built a platform with you in mind. You’ll love it.
Your school deserves a better digital experience.

Make online learning smarter.
Build courses that are customized to the individual needs and abilities of your students. Let students and teachers engage asynchronously at their own convenience.

Digitize your school library.
Build your own repository of digital learning aids, ebooks and classroom session recordings for students to access and learn.

Conduct online assessments.
With our highly configurable assess your students online in multiple ways - be it objectively or subjectively, time bound or otherwise.
Your free trial - on our (cloud) platter.
Try it out now. You won't regret it.

Hybrid learning is the need of the hour.
Engage with students by sharing classroom sessions, creating customized courses, building communities of practice and keeping in touch via messages. Complement your in-person classroom instructions using the various tools available on Kenlighten.
Get the stress out off remote teaching.

Go asynchronous and reduce your stress. Managing a large class of students is much easier when you conduct live sessions for a few and then share the recordings with the rest. Rotate the groups of synchronous and asynchronous sessions.
One-stop solution for all your education needs.

Eliminate the need to switch apps and seamlessly conduct digital education all in one place. Lets together make it a hassle-free experience.
Create. Publish. Repeat.

Re-use content with every batch of students year-on-year tweaking them as you go. Utilize time saved in finding innovative ways to educate.